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Exercise & sport science (Diploma of Health Sciences )

Develop a strong understanding of the human body and human health with a major in Exercise & Sport Science. Please note: This pathway is not currently available to Australian students.

Key Information


Stage 1: 2-3 Trimesters (8-12 months)

Stage 2: 2 Semesters (12 months)

Intake Dates

Stage 1: February, June

Stage 2: February

View important dates

Campus Location

Curtin Bentley

View campus facilities

Domestic Fees

Course not available to Australian students

View academic entry requirements

International Fees

Stage 1 = $27,000 ($3,375 per unit)

Stage 2 = $39,800 ($4,975 per unit)

Additional costs may apply depending on your course and stream

View academic entry requirements.

Course overview

Build a career centred on improving lives

In this course, you’ll gain theoretical and practical understanding of exercise and sport physiology, biomechanics, motor control and learning and skill acquisition, and exercise and sport psychology.

The emphasis on client-centred practice will help you develop strong interpersonal communication, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

In your first year, you’ll learn the foundations of exercise science and study interprofessional units with students from other health disciplines.

Leading to:

Bachelor of Science (Exercise & Sport Science)

Career include

  • Advanced personal training
  • Cardiac technician
  • Community sport and management officer
  • Corporate health and fitness assessor
  • Healthy lifestyle coordinator
  • Performance analyst
  • Sports coach/trainer
  • Strength and conditioning coach for community and sub-elite sporting teams.

Diploma of Health Sciences Units (Stage 1)

CRICOS Code 087942A

Students must complete the following core units and one elective unit.

  • Academic Communication Skills
  • Academic Research and Writing
  • Chemistry
  • Essential Mathematics
  • Human Biology
  • Studies in Society
  • Computer Skills
  • Management
  • Marketing

Diploma of Health Sciences Units (Stage 2)

CRICOS Code 087942A

Students must complete the following core units.

Semester 1

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Semester 2

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*Service taught units are units where Curtin College students join Curtin University students in the same classroom. Such units are taught by university staff and Curtin College students will be enrolled as Curtin University students. Curtin University Policies and Processes will apply to these units.  

Exercise & Sport Science Diploma of Health Sciences (Core Units – Stage 2)

Stage 2 Units – 25 Credit Points Each

The role of empirical evidence in making decisions in health practice. Introduction to different types of research methodologies; measurement; observation; data collection; research ethics; bio-statistical analysis; strategies to understand, question and evaluate evidence.

This unit builds on an understanding of the fundamentals of physiology and develops students’ knowledge of physical activity and exercise and their relationship to health. Physiological and psychological responses to exercise in healthy populations. Assessment of exercise capacity and factors affecting exercise prescription and engagement.

Introduction to ethical decision making in the context of professional health practice. Application of academic standards and development of skills required for studying at university. Introduction to professional requirements which impact on the safety and quality of client centred service/care when working in a health setting. Examination of differences in Australian and international health systems. Students will learn the value of diversity in inter-professional practice through working in teams. Students will reflect on their learning and begin to develop lifelong learning skills.

Development of foundation competencies in understanding neuromusculoskeletal anatomy of the trunk, upper and lower limbs as a basis to understanding normal human movement.

Foundation knowledge of human physiology and the physiological changes that occur through the human lifespan as pertinent to exercise science.

Anatomical organisation of the body and the relationships between body systems and cells. Human requirements for metabolism and life. The structure and function of the body. Basic control and interactions of the circulatory, respiratory, digestive and excretory systems. Primary defence against microorganisms. Mechanisms for growth, repair and reproduction.

In this unit students will examine culture and diversity within local, national and global, Indigenous populations; impacts of specific policies and historical events on Indigenous Australians and their effects on health and health care access. Students will analyse health outcomes of Indigenous Australians and explore underlying social determinants, and how health professionals can work collaboratively in consultation with Indigenous individuals, families, communities and organisations.

Broad outline of the nature, methods, and fields of psychology. Introduction to psychology and methodological issues related to the study of human beings and the relevance of both for interactions with individuals and groups. Introduction to social psychology, personality, development, learning, memory, and motivation.

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