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Transferring or withdrawing

If you’ve decided that Curtin College or your chosen course isn’t right for you, take steps early to avoid unnecessary fees.

Transfer between Registered Providers

Obtain a Letter of Release to change providers

The transfer between Registered Providers Policy stipulates that it is an Australian regulatory requirement that students must complete six months of their ‘principal course of study’ before changing or transferring between registered providers. As a result, Curtin College is unable to enrol students from another registered provider prior to the student completing six months of his/her principal course of study, unless a Letter of Release is received from the original provider.

If you are unsuccessful in your request to transfer, prior to completing six months of your principal course at Curtin University, you may appeal that decision. For further advice, refer to the Curtin College Appeals Policy.

To request a transfer to another registered provider, you must provide a Letter of Offer from that provider. Curtin College will then provide you with a A Letter of Release, where it is considered to be in your best interest. If you are a minor, you must provide written confirmation from your parent/legal guardian before the request can be processed.

Please refer to the Transfer between Registered Providers and Appeals Policies for more details.

Withdrawing from your course

Withdraw early to avoid penalties

We understand that in some cases, students may decide that their current study path isn’t right for them. You can request to withdraw from your program of study at any time before and during the study period. Depending on the time the request is submitted, an academic and financial penalty may apply.

For more information on deferring or withdrawing, please refer to the Deferral, suspension & Cancellation Policy, and to the Refund Policy.

Suspending or cancelling enrolment

In cases of serious misconduct, your enrolment can be cancelled

Curtin College has the right to suspend or cancel your enrolment or re-enrolment in response to serious misbehaviour or misconduct.

Please refer to the Curtin College Code of conduct PolicyDeferral, Suspension and Cancellation Policy for more information, and to the Refund Policy for any financial penalties that may apply.

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