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The pre-arrival guide

Your pre-arrival guide is an overview of everything to do and prepare before you leave home and start your studies.

Obtaining your student visa

To obtain a student visa, you must be studying with an education provider.

You should have a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) relating to your place at Curtin College. A CoE is used in the process of applying for your student visa, which is issued by the Department of Home Affairs.

Students from some countries should apply for student visas online. Visit the Department of Home Affairs website for a list of countries where students should apply for a visa online and for more information about obtaining your student visa.

If you applied for your place at Curtin College via an agent, they will help you obtain your student visa.

Once in Australia, if you are not a current student at Curtin College, you may be in breach of your student visa. A multiple entry visa will allow you to travel home for holidays and return to Australia without the need to apply for other re-entry visas.

Student visas are granted subject to certain conditions. You must:

  • Attend a minimum of 80% of all classes
  • Make satisfactory progress with your studies
  • Obtain and maintain current Overseas Student Health Cover
  • Keep the College informed at all times of your current address and contact details in Australia
  • Not work more than 40 hours per fortnight
  • Meet additional requirements applicable to minors if you are under 18

Curtin College is obliged by law to inform the Department of Home Affairs if there is a history of unsatisfactory progress. If you do not meet the minimum attendance requirements or do not make satisfactory academic progress (pass at least 50% of enrolled subjects per study period) you risk losing your visa.

View our Progress and Intervention Policy

Your pre-arrival checklist

You will need:

  • Valid Passport
  • Student Visa
  • Familiarise yourself with our COVID-19 and travel checklist
  • Evidence of Overseas Student Health Cover (whether arranged by Curtin College or yourself)
  • Arrange Accommodation
  • Arrange flights
  • Arrange Airport Reception
  • Obtain Australian Currency (approximately $500 in cash & $2,500 in some other form)
  • Leave a copy of your passport, visa, & other ID with parents, relatives, or friends
  • Arrange a medical check, vision test, and dental check
  • Spare pair of glasses (if needed)
  • Any medication you need with English explanations
  • Arrange travel insurance (highly recommended for items such
  • as laptops, cameras, musical instruments, etc)
  • Review Australian quarantine policies & understand what
  • you can and cannot bring into Australia.
  • ‘Like’ the Curtin College (Official Fan Page) on Facebook
  • Prepare & acquire required items from your course-specific checklist

Download our Pre-Arrival Guide here.

Important documents

You’ll need to keep these on hand

You will need these documents for orientation and throughout your stay in Australia. Please make sure you have the following available:

  • Your Welcome Letter from Curtin College
  • Certified copies of all relevant academic transcripts
  • Confirmation(s) of Enrolment (CoE or eCoE)
  • 2-4 passport size photographs Photo Identification (eg. Driver’s Licence, Proof of Age Card, etc)
  • Any medical certificates/ history/reports
  • Complete Account Creation Guide

We recommend you keep all of your documents together in your carry-on luggage (not in your checked suitcase) so that it’s easy to access at the customs and immigration checkpoints. We also advise that you photocopy all of your important documents and keep copies with you or online (plus leave a copy with a family member or friend back home).

Where will you stay?

Organising accommodation

As a Curtin College student, you have access to the same on-campus accommodation options as Curtin University students. Students who are new to Perth will be given first priority.

If you are under the age of 18, Australian Immigration requires that Curtin College approves all your accommodation and welfare arrangements before you can travel to Australia.

Visit our Accommodation page to find out about all the accommodation options available to you as a Curtin College student.

Information for minors

Important information for students under 18 (Younger Students)

With a view to ensuring that Younger Students are accommodated safely and receive appropriate care, Curtin College must approve all accommodation and welfare arrangements before students are granted visas and permitted to travel to Australia.

This is a requirement of the Department of Home Affairs (Australian Immigration).

Arrangements that may be considered suitable for Younger Students by Curtin College are as follows:

  • living with parents or legal guardians, other appropriate family members as per Immigration’s list of suitable relatives, or
  • homestay with the Curtin College preferred Advocate/Guardian service provider (ISA –
  • genuine family/friends (Local Carer)

A Local Carer or guardian must be:

  • living in Perth
  • at least 25 Years of age
  • readily available for the student at all times
  • available to come into Curtin College if required
  • proficient in English, and

possess current National Police Clearance (as required).

Younger Students will be invited to attend a meeting with the Student Counsellor or nominated staff member within the first two weeks of the study period.  This will provide students with an opportunity to ensure their details are up to date and seek any support or information they may need.

The Student Counsellor (or a member of the Student and Academic Services Team/nominee) will contact Younger Students each study period to check that arrangements are being maintained as outlined in visa related documents prior to departure from a student’s home country. It is essential that all communications are answered.

Younger Students must seek approval from Curtin College before changing accommodation and complete a new Younger Student Accommodation and Welfare Approval Form.

The Student Counsellor (and other staff as required) is available to support students as they settle in, and throughout their course at Curtin College.

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