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It’s normal to go through a period of adjustment while you’re getting used to your new environment, and to feel a sense of loneliness or homesickness.
It’s important to remember that this is a phase that will pass. Soon, you will see that it’s a huge time of personal growth. Take care of yourself and give yourself time to adjust. Make use of Curtin College’s support network – you’ll find there’s always someone to talk to about how you are feeling.
Australians are a friendly bunch! While many things about Australia might feel foreign initially, you will soon understand its culture and its people. Get out there and ask lots of questions to improve your English skills and meet new people.
If you’re feeling shy and you’re not sure how to start making friends, remember that everyone starts their studies feeling the same way in the first week. Reach out and be friendly. Initiate conversations and get involved with clubs and social events. You’ll soon have a tight-knit group of friends.
And there’s so much to do in Perth! Explore all your new life has to offer both on and off campus. There are a lot of adventures waiting for you and hidden gems to be discovered.
As an international student, you are responsible for meeting your visa conditions and following Australian laws. There are many laws to protect you during your time in Australia and most of these laws also apply equally to Australian citizens, residents and other temporary visa holders. Australia’s education and training system offers high-quality services and protection for international students to ensure you make the most of your time here.
International students in Australia are protected by the Education Services for Overseas Students Act (ESOS Act). ESOS provides consumer protection for international students on a student visa, aims to enhance the quality of the student experience and protects the student visa program.
Find out more about ESOS and what it means for you
It’s important during this early stage of your journey that you are aware of all the support that is available to you on campus.
The Medical Centre and Counsellor both offer good support if you need somebody to talk to, or help creating coping strategies. There are also many study groups, mentoring programs and academic support systems which can help if you are struggling with your new work load.
International students can also access free career support and legal advice both online and in-person.
Legal Assistance
Several organisations provide assistance with legal problems.
For further information, visit Attorney-General’s Department, Legal Aid, Study Perth My Legal Mate or the Citizens Advice Bureau
Career Advice
International students can access free career support via StudyPerth ProsPER & Career Support or via the Curtin College Careers Centre