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Campus female raising arms against wall

Your wellbeing matters

Use these resources for tips on staying healthy, happy and safe while you complete your studies with us.


Campus two females walking

Healthy body & mind

We’ve curated some tips and resources that can contribute to a healthier and happier you at university and beyond.

Off campus help phone box

Safety & Emergency Support

If you need urgent support, you can find essential support contacts listed here.

Off campus group raising hands to stop

Sexual assault & harassment

Know what steps to take to access emergency assistance and resources related to sexual assault & harassment here.

Off campus female and male walking on beach

Skills for good health

Mindfulness, meditation and time management are skills that will set you up for success long after university.

Campus two females talking

Respect at Curtin

Our community is an inclusive environment where there is no place for bullying, discrimination or violence.

Campus female talking to therapist

Counselling services

If you are struggling at any point, whether it is academic or personal, you can always speak to someone confidentially.

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