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Your safety on campus is one of our biggest priorities. If you need urgent or emergency help, use the crisis support contacts below.
Safer Communities
Safer Communities is a free and confidential crisis support service for staff and students who experience concerning, threatening, inappropriate or uncomfortable behaviour. You can contact
Safer Communities to report problem behaviour, sexual harm, family violence and missing persons.
In addition to responding to incidents or concerns, Curtin University’s Safer Community Team offer a range of services including:
If you require immediate support, you can call Safer Communities at +61 8 9266 444 or submit a report online here.
SafeZone app
Keep in direct contact with our Curtin Safer Community Team through SafeZone, a free smartphone app for all students, staff and visitors.
When using the app, not only are you able to talk directly to our team, but they will also be alerted to your exact location on campus. If you have an emergency or require first aid, it’s the easiest, quickest and safest method of alerting us to your whereabouts and needs on campus
If you feel threatened or need urgent help, tap the EMERGENCY button on your SafeZone app to let our team know your exact location.
For immediate emergency help
Our counselling service is not a 24-hour service for students in crisis. If you need immediate emergency help, contact LifeLine or SuicideLine now.
Lifeline (all ages)
1800Respect: Sexual Assault & Family/Partner Violence Crisis Counselling (all ages)
Beyondblue (all ages)
eheadspace (for ages 12 – 25)
Student Counsellor
We take seriously your right to access to a safe, diverse, equitable and inclusive learning environment at Curtin College.
Our Student Counsellor is available Monday to Friday (8.30am to 4.30pm) to support you by providing a safe and confidential space to work through any situation, whether it’s a crisis, or if you have wellbeing or learning needs.
We are here to enable you to progress and flourish.