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Safety at Curtin College

Curtin College is committed to ensuring a safe and secure environment for everyone. Every individual deserves a comfortable and secure learning space. Please be mindful of the behaviours we take seriously:

  • Sexual harm: Any unwanted or unwelcomed sexual behaviour which makes a person feel intimidated, offended or humiliated. As well as forcing, tricking, or coercing someone into sexual acts without consent. These are criminal offences.
  • Domestic violence: Using violence or manipulation to maintain power and control over someone in a relationship.
  • Gender-based violence: Using violence or intentionally harmful behaviour directed at someone due to their gender.
  • Discrimination: Unfair treatment based on characteristics such as race, gender, age, or sexual orientation.
  • Bullying: Repeated and intentional actions or words aimed at causing distress and harm to a person or group.

Our goal at Curtin College is to eliminate these behaviours through trauma-informed education, cultural change and ensuring collective responsibility and accountability among our staff and students. Please help us identify and report and instances of unacceptable behaviour, gender-based violence and sexual harm.

Reporting an Incident

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual harm or any behaviour that makes you feel unsafe, please report it. The Safer Community Team offers support, connects you with appropriate services, and handles your complaint with care, respect, and confidentiality. Reports can be made anonymously.
You can report it online or call on (08) 9266 4444. They are available 24/7 even if you need an after-hours security escort.Find out more about this service.

What to Report

  • Threats of suicide or self-harm
  • Threats of physical violence
  • Alleged criminal acts (including all forms of assault, domestic violence, stalking)
  • Sexual harm
  • Mental health concerns affecting the university community
  • Missing students reported by employees or family

After you Report

  1. The Safer Community Team will address immediate safety concerns.
  2. Discuss your health and wellbeing.
  3. Review your options.
  4. Help create a safety plan.
  5. Advise on accessible legal processes.
  6. Offer a formal investigation if requested.
  7. Provide ongoing support and referrals.

For support or guidance during this process, please contact the student counsellor on or book an appointment here.

Worried About Your Sexual Health

Access services for STI testing, contraception, support after sexual harm, and referrals. Please visit the health services to learn more and book an appointment with a GP.

Experiencing Domestic/Family Violence

You are not alone, support is available through 1800 RESPECT, the national domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service:

  • Call – 1800 737 732
  • Text – 0458 737 732
  • Chat online or video call on the website.

Emergency Contact Details

  • Life-threatening emergencies – Call 000
  • General safety & security assistance – Call (08) 9266 4444
  • Police (non-emergency) – Call 131 444
  • Sexual Assault Resource Centre – Call (08) 9340 1828
  • Alcohol and Drug Information Service – Call (08) 9442 5000
  • Health Direct (speak to a qualified nurse) – Call 1800 022 222
  • Poisons Information Centre – Call 13 11 26
  • Domestic Violence Support Service – Call 1800 737 732
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