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Respect @ Curtin College

Curtin College is a safe space for all

Curtin College is committed to cultivating a respectful, diverse, equitable and inclusive community.

We believe everyone in our community has the right to have a safe, secure and comfortable learning and work environment.

We do not tolerate sexual harassment or assault. Community members found to be in breach of the Code of Conduct, will be counselled, warned or disciplined. This may include formal discipline (such as dismissal or exclusion).

As part of our commitment to the safety of our community, we are creating a space for staff and students to have conversations without fear of humiliation or victimisation. These conversations will be kept in confidence due to their personal and sensitive nature.

We are committed to prioritising your safety

  • If you disclose an incident or concern to us, we will prioritise your safety and guide you to appropriate, just-in-time support.
  • We will dedicate resources to prevention, training and education on an ongoing basis.
  • We will monitor and review support, information, campaigns, and or programs to ensure they are relevant.
  • We will seek to make continuous improvements to this program, based on feedback provided by our students and staff.
  • We are providing this space online, to ensure you can easily access information about our commitment to Respect @ Curtin College

We proudly commit to the national Respect, Now, Always project.

Curtin University has an anonymous reporting mechanism available to Curtin College students and staff in addition to the Curtin College support that is available.

Report a sexual harm incident

If you are aware of, or have experienced an incident of sexual harm, see something that shouldn’t be happening, or feel unsafe, please report it. The Safer Community Team can be reached directly on 08 9266 4444, or through our online form. You can make an anonymous report if you choose. All reports are treated seriously and confidentially.

Report an incident

Find out more about Respectful Relationships.

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