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Supplementary Portfolios

About Supplementary Portfolios

A Supplementary Portfolio may be accepted if you:

  • are an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
  • are a mature-aged student
  • are affected by a medical condition
  • have been disrupted due to multiple relocations, bereavement or other compassionate and/or compelling circumstances

It may also be used to support prior VET studies or to demonstrate work and life experience.

Entry is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Course-specific English language requirements and pre-requisites must still be met.

How to prepare and submit your Supplementary Portfolio

If Supplementary Portfolio is an option for you, you should apply to Curtin College as usual and include your Supplementary Portfolio with your application.

Your statement should answer the following questions but not exceed 4 pages:

  • Why do you wish to pursue the course you have selected? Describe how this course aligns with your interests and career goals. Which ‘major’ do you wish to complete at Curtin University?
  • How will you balance study, work and leisure activities whilst remaining fully committed to your studies?
  • What independent learning skills do you have that will assist you in completing a higher education award. How have you demonstrated those skills in your life and/or career to date?
  • What information technology skills do you have? How familiar are you with word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, databases, web browsers and email applications?

You must submit coloured or certified copies of all your transcripts and award/graduation certificates.

This should include all your educational qualifications and work experiences to date. It should include details of any paid, unpaid, voluntary, school-based, full or part-time work. Which skills did you utilise whilst gaining this work experience?

Two written references (personal or professional) to support your application.

Supporting documents such as medical documents or school reports supporting your eligibility for a supplementary portfolio.

If you need more information or have questions, please contact the College.

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